iOS App Summary
Projects Update
I’ve been learning some iOS development through building different apps. So I’ll summarize current status, lessons learned, challenges, and direction forward.
A piano tool for learning and visualizing scales and chords on a scrollable and listenable keyboard.
I wanted to work on another tool targeted toward beginner piano musicians - namely myself :p When I’m on the go and want to visualize and hear different chords or scales. Ya know, develop an intuition for how a chord/scale name translates to a sound and feeling.
Video of usage
Basic Principles
Setting up infinite scroll UI
For infinite scrolling on the keyboard - I implemented a scroll view with the keys in an octave and set the scroll view’s contentSizeWidth
to be 3x the screen width. The keyboard has an octave on screen (center octave), an octave left off screen, and another octave right off the screen. When the user scrolls to the end of either the left or right octave, the scroll view is recentered creating the illusion of an infinite scroll. Here’s the snippet showing how this works currently in the UIScrollViewDelegate
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
var scrollDirection: ScrollDirection?
if (lastContentOffset != nil) {
if scrollView.contentOffset.x > lastContentOffset {
scrollDirection = ScrollDirection.rightToLeft
} else {
scrollDirection = ScrollDirection.leftToRight
lastContentOffset = scrollView.contentOffset.x
switch scrollView.contentOffset.x {
case scrollView.frame.width * 2, 0:
scrollView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: scrollView.frame.width, y: 0), animated: false)
Representation of notes, chords, and scales
The notes are represented with enum Note : Int
with a few helper methods for getting human-readable descriptions. It’s useful having note inherit from Int
since it allows for some basic math in calculating chords/scales. The chords have an array of notes and a ChordType
. The ChordType
is another enum with the high level chord name i.e. Diminished, Augmented, etc… and a ChordFormula
func chordFormula() -> [Int] {
switch self {
case .Major:
return [4, 7]
case .Minor:
return [3, 7]
case .Diminished:
return [3, 6]
case .Augmented:
return [4, 8]
case .Sus2:
return [2, 7]
case .Sus4:
return [5, 7]
case .MajorSeventh:
return [4, 7, 11]
case .MinorSeventh:
return [3, 7, 10]
case .DominantSeventh:
return [4, 7, 10]
case .DiminishedSeventh:
return [3, 6, 9]
case .HalfDiminishedSeventh:
return [3, 6, 10]
Which gives you the intervals for each successive note with respect to the root note. For example, starting with a Cmaj you take the C then 4 semitones up you get the E then the G is 7 semitones up from the root. So adding new chords to the app is just a matter of adding another chord type name and formula. The scales are handled similarly with a ScaleType.
Both the Chord
and Scale
types are NSCoding
compliant allowing these values to be easily stored in UserDefaults
. This allows users to save chord and scale progressions.
For details on chord identification from tapped notes see the ChordIdentifier.
How the audio playback works
The audio/
folder of the source contains numerous notes recorded as mp3s i.e. A1.mp3, B1.mp3, etc… These notes were recorded on my digital piano with the help of midi for duration and volume consistency. The NoteOctave
model has a function that returns the appropriate url for the audio file in the main bundle that is used by the AudioEngine
to play the file. For example playing a scale:
let file = try? AVAudioFile(forReading: note.url() as URL)
let buffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: file!.processingFormat, frameCapacity: AVAudioFrameCount(file!.length))
_ = try? file?.read(into: buffer)
var completionHandler: AVAudioNodeCompletionHandler?
if index == notes.count - 1 {
completionHandler = {
} else {
completionHandler = {
self.delegate?.didStartPlayingNotes([notes[index + 1]])
completionHandler: completionHandler)
if index == 0 {
Here the delegate is used for updating the UI - highlighting the key as the note is being played.
Pitfalls and Improvements
- Didn’t utilize much Auto-Layout even for basic views which would have saved me from some headache in setting up the UI in code.
Moving forward, I’d love to update the ‘play modes’ so scales could be played in arpeggio and chord progressions can be played for you in sequence or arpeggiated.
A rudimentary syntheizer and sequencer.
For my first app, I wanted to get some experience building a creative tool using the AVAudioEngine as a fun way of learning the basics of iOS development.
Note: This app predates Swift 3 so some of the syntax might look off but you get the idea - if it bugs you feel free to open up a PR. ;)
Video of usage
Basic Principles
The Sequencer implementation
The sequencer plays audio samples from With the bpm of the sequencer being calculated and passed into an NSTimer
. (See pitfalls for more details)
The Keyboard implementation
The keyboard, more excitingly, plays audio by playing parallel ‘voices’ or oscillators using a circular buffer. The notes get mapped to a frequency in a dictionary then the value of the wave is calculated and placed in the audio buffer. Here is starting a note for a voice:
func startNote() {
let unitVelocity = 2.0 * M_PI / audioFormat.sampleRate
dispatch_async(audioQueue) {
var sampleTime = 0
var previousKey = self.key
while (true) {
if self.key != previousKey {
previousKey = self.key
dispatch_semaphore_wait(self.audioSempahore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER)
let targetFrequency = Float32(Double(self.octave!) * self.scaleBaseFrequencies![self.noteIndex!])
let audioBuffer = self.audioBuffers[self.bufferIndex]
for i in 0...Int(self.samplesPerBuffer - 1) {
let carrierVelocity = targetFrequency * Float32(unitVelocity)
var sample = Float32(0)
var triangleSample = Float32(0)
var squareSample = Float32(0)
var sineSample = Float32(0)
// WaveTypes
triangleSample = Float32(Float(2.0 / M_PI) * asin(sin(Float(M_PI) * Float(carrierVelocity) * Float(sampleTime))))
sineSample = 0
var intermediateVal = sinf(Float(carrierVelocity) * Float(sampleTime));
// sgn function
if (intermediateVal < 0) {
intermediateVal = -1;
} else if (intermediateVal > 0) {
intermediateVal = 1;
squareSample = 1 / 2 * intermediateVal;
sample = self.squareWaveRatio * squareSample + self.triangleWaveRatio * triangleSample + self.sineWaveRatio * sineSample
audioBuffer.floatChannelData[0][i] = sample
audioBuffer.floatChannelData[1][i] = sample
sampleTime += 1
audioBuffer.frameLength = self.samplesPerBuffer
self.oscNode.scheduleBuffer(audioBuffer, completionHandler: { () -> Void in
self.bufferIndex = (self.bufferIndex + 1) % self.audioBuffers.count
Circular buffer, audio buffer, audioSempahore
, dispatch_sempahore_wait
, wuhhh?
A little more detail in the audio format and setup:
let audioFormat = AVAudioFormat(standardFormatWithSampleRate: 44100.0, channels: 2)
var audioBuffers = [AVAudioPCMBuffer]()
let audioQueue = dispatch_queue_create("SynthQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL)
let audioSempahore = dispatch_semaphore_create(2)
let samplesPerBuffer = AVAudioFrameCount(1024)
The PCMBuffer
represents a sampled wave form (PCM) placed into a buffer. There’s a queue for the currently playing audio buffer and the one to be scheduled after. You can think of this as playing a ‘snippet’ of the waveform, and you’ll want to play these ‘snippets’ sequentially, without delay, to recreate the waveform you hear. Once the playing audio buffer finishes it is then calculated and scheduled again and so on - hence the ‘loop’ or ‘circular’ buffer. In code, the AVAudioPCMBuffer
array of size 2 represents this loop - since after the 1st buffer is played the 0th buffer can be recalculated and scheduled after. This is why the bufferIndex is recalculated after scheduling the buffer with: self.bufferIndex = (self.bufferIndex + 1) % self.audioBuffers.count
The playing buffer has a completion handler that signals the sempahore - allowing for passage through the dispatch_semaphore_wait(self.audioSempahore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER)
statement thus calculating and filling the buffer to be played next. The key here is that a buffer needs to always be scheduled before the currently playing buffer finishes - otherwise you’ll hear hiccups in the audio.
Where the heck did these triangleSample
and squareSample
s come from?
Wolfram is your friend - with great resources describing analytic representations of different wave forms i.e. TriangleWave.
How do the effects like EQ, delay, reverb, etc… work?
provides a lot of these tools for you woohoo. In my AudioEngine implementation you can see how to hook up various effects to the AVAudioPlayerNode
like the AVAudioUnitDelay
which has intuitive high-level parameters wetDryMix. Here is the initialization for my AudioEngine
which relies on the AVAudioEngine
init (numberOfVoices: Int, withKey: String, withOctave: Int) {
playbackFileUrl = nil
for _ in 0...(numberOfVoices - 1) {
let voice = Voice(withKey: withKey, withOctave: withOctave)
engine.connect(voice.oscNode, to: dryMasterMixerNode, format: audioFormat)
delayNode = AVAudioUnitDelay()
delayNode!.bypass = false
delayNode!.delayTime = 0.68
delayNode!.wetDryMix = 10
reverbNode = AVAudioUnitReverb()
reverbNode!.bypass = false
reverbNode!.wetDryMix = 20
eqNode = AVAudioUnitEQ(numberOfBands: 1)
eqNode!.bands.first!.filterType = AVAudioUnitEQFilterType.LowPass
eqNode!.bands.first!.frequency = 800
eqNode!.bands.first!.bypass = false
eqNode!.globalGain = 0
eqNode!.bypass = false
distortionNode = AVAudioUnitDistortion()
distortionNode!.bypass = false
distortionNode!.wetDryMix = 0
engine.connect(dryMasterMixerNode, to: delayNode!, format: audioFormat)
engine.connect(delayNode!, to: reverbNode!, format: audioFormat)
engine.connect(reverbNode!, to: eqNode!, format: audioFormat)
engine.connect(eqNode!, to: distortionNode!, format: audioFormat)
engine.connect(distortionNode!, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: audioFormat)
engine.connect(playbackFilePlayer, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: audioFormat)
do {
try engine.start()
} catch {
print("Engine Crashed")
let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
do {
try audioSession.setActive(true)
try audioSession.setCategory("AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback")
} catch {
print("audio session crash")
Notice how you essentially attach nodes to an engine and then connect them accordingly - similar to a real ‘fx’ chain like guitar pedals or rack units.
Is the timbre changing???
One neat aspect that I felt utilized the screen space is the fact that the position (‘y’- vertical position) of your finger on the key changes the timbre of the oscillator by changing the ‘wave ratio’ - the amount of squareness in the wave - giving a more buzzy tone further down you go. To see how I implemented this gesture location tracking the brute force way, check out the PadHandler. (This implementation can be drastically improved with gesture recognizers mentioned in the Pitfalls section). This feature could be expanded to utilize force touch APIs on the newer iPhones to have parameter affect the timbre or fx of the oscillator. I didn’t feel compelled to do so since I’m personally hanging on to my cracked iPhone 6 and 5.
Pitfalls and Improvements
- Overall lack of gesture recognizers. Using gesture recognizers would have made my life a lot easier for handling key presses and sequencer events. Currently the targets are manually added and connected to a selector with
. One improved approach would be to have the keyboard as a custom view in a separate xib with all the appropriate tap recognizers on it for event handling and triggering the audio oscillators. Another improved approach could be to use a collection view for both the keyboard and sequencer. - A lot of hard coded or calculated UI code. Basically, the entire UI is based on ratios off the screen bounds,
. Leaving for a lot of calculated code like the key pad frame. For example:
let widthOfPad = Int(ceil(Double(Int(screenWidth) - 2 * numberOfPads + 2) / Double(numberOfPads)))
let heightOfPad = Int(screenHeight - 42)
- The sequencer doesn’t use a collection view. Currently it’s a calculated grid of
s with the appropriate target attached. For example:
func calculateGrid() {
let remainingHeight = screenHeight - toolbarView!.frame.height
let drumBtnHeight = remainingHeight / CGFloat(numberOfRows)
let drumBtnWidth = screenWidth / CGFloat(numberOfColumns)
for row in 0...(numberOfRows - 1) {
var columnArray = [UIButton]()
for col in 0...(numberOfColumns - 1) {
let x = CGFloat(col) * drumBtnWidth
let y = CGFloat(row) * drumBtnHeight + toolbarView!.frame.height
let btn = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: drumBtnWidth, height: drumBtnHeight))
btn.backgroundColor = padOffColor
btn.layer.borderWidth = 0.5
btn.layer.borderColor = btnBorderColor.CGColor
btn.tag = row * numberOfColumns + col
btn.addTarget(self, action: #selector(SequencerViewController.toggleDrumBtn(_:)), forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)
The keyboard works similiarly.
- The sequencer doesn’t properly sequence audio samples. Currently all the samples are triggered when the UI for the row updates via an
. For example:
func playStep() {
if isPlaying {
playIndex = playIndex % numberOfColumns
let indicesToPlay = getIndicesToPlayAndHighlightColumn(playIndex)
playIndex += 1
let timeInterval = NSTimeInterval(Float(240) / Float(numberOfColumns * bpm))
NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(timeInterval, target: self, selector: #selector(SequencerViewController.playStep), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
The AudioEngine then plays the indices of the drum grid by scheduling the audio files to play in the array of DrumSample
s. Here:
func trigger() {
if !hasCompletedPlayback {
hasCompletedPlayback = false
playerNode.scheduleFile(sampleFile!, atTime: nil, completionHandler: {
self.hasCompletedPlayback = true
Note this is not a good approach and causes problems when the sequencer starts lagging for a sample to complete playing and the audio events get ‘backed’ up. The correct approach probably involves actually using a properly calculated AVAudioTime
(docs) to schedule the files with any previously playing samples in a row being terminated before completion, if appropriate.
Maybe if I get around to picking up this project again I’ll refactor and fix these notable issues. Or just start a project from scratch.
Moving Forward
After learning more about app development especially using Auto-Layout through sample apps with CodePath, I’ve started looking forward to making a new app utilizing some of these learned lessons as well as an increased familarity with Xcode.
An Art educational tool using the Artsy API. Uses Auto-Layout, gesture recognizers, delegates, and collection views as improvements on older patterns mentioned above.
Currently in preliminary development.